About Us:

Adfunda is an online advertisement platform, a single point solution to creates and publishes an advertisement under one roof. It's main purpose is to promote the products and services of the local small or medium businesses where one can create his/her advertisement of his/her business entity and publish at a time and at the same place by his/her own with the help of relevant advertising tools and templates provided by us. It is very user friendly such as one can create and advertise of their business establishment by few clicks on computer or few press in mobile. Not only that one can input or upload their own data, slogans, photos, videos etc. related to their businesses.

Initially, there are two types of services FREE SERVICE and PAID SERVICE. In case of PAID SERVICE, there are some additional features with nominal charges.

Since, it is just beginning; we shall try to provide more value added services during our journey.

  Contact Us
 AdFunda Corporation

Tel : + (91) - 8100176743

Whatsapp : + (91) - 8100176743
Mail : support@adfunda.in
Business Hours : 9:30 - 5:30

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AdFunda.in - The Best Online Classified Ads


AdFunda is an online advertisement platform which is a single point solution to create, publish and search an advertisement under one roof. It's main purpose is to promote the business and service of the local entrepreneur, small & medium scaled businesses and professionals where one can create advertisement of their business establishment or profession and publish at a time with the help of relevant advertising tools provided by us. We can also provide our support of photography for advertisement with nominal cost.